
Computer project using Access..Help plz ( 10 points)

by  |  earlier

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I have a computer project that i have to do it in Access. Well, it's a hotel reservation, cenima reservation or Hospital...anyone of that 3. I don't know what i should use as the Master & transaction table ( what fields in needed )...What should i use in queries....The fields should be about 7 - 9 fields....So, I really really need your help. Please, Please!




  1. Your project assignment is not that simple which can be answered in yahoo answer, first give it a try and then ask more specific question.


  2. One simplified hotel reservation app:

    rooms (room_id, bed_size, smoking_permitted, has_kitchenette, ...)

    reservation (room_id, check_in_date, check_out_date, last_name, first_name, contact_number, ...)

    then forms to take info for a requested room reservation might feed queries like the following to check on room availability (depending on how many requirements the customer specifies...most elegant way is to dynamically build the WHERE clause depending on what the customer specifies. If they don't care, omit that clause)

    SELECT room_id FROM rooms

    WHERE bed_size = ::requested_bed_size

    AND smoking_permitted = ::smoking_preference

    AND ...

    AND room_id NOT IN

    (SELECT room_id FROM rooms

    WHERE check_in_date < :: departure_date

    AND check_out_date > ::arrival_date)

  3. Umm..really you've got a lot of options..

    We'll take hospital reservations for $200.00 Alex!

    so you'll need a "hospitals" table with fields like

    name, address1, address2, city, state, zipcode, room_number

    then you'll need your transaction field

    hospital_id, first_name, last_name, check_in, check_out, active

    each table should also have a unique identifier (GUID) field to be used as a primary key.

    so the GUID field in the hospitals table will match up with entries in the hospital_id field in your transaction table.

    queries? you should probably start paying someone to do the project for you at this point..or drop out of school since you haven't learned much...

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