
Computer recycling?????????

by Guest32689  |  earlier

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how old does the specs of a computer be to be able to chuck out instead of selling.




  1. If you computer is less then 2 years old then you stand a good chance of selling it. Older then that the price you would get if you could find a buyer is not worth it. I recycle computers by the truck load and they are illegal to place in trash or dump sites in most states do to the various materials used in the mfg process. your CRT screen contains lead, heavy gases, plastic, etc... your tower contains over 40 different metals including lead, silver cyanide, mercury and other dangerous metals. There are also precious metals such as 24K gold plated pins, silver, and other expensive metals such as cupro nickel. Please take it to an approved electronics recycling center for disposal

  2. Well if you don't want to sell it you don't have to, you can just smash up the innards and take it to the dump. There are even companies that can take it away and dispose of it safely for you. Paper Round does it ( though it may only be for businesses- you'd have to look into it

  3. I hope by chuck it out you mean properly dispose of. Try to give it a new life by lisiting it on craigs list, ebay or freecycle. If no takers go to to locate a local ewaste drop off center.

    Computers are full of toxic and valuable materials. Please don't let it go to the landfill.

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