
Computer registry issue?

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I use Ccleaner on a regular basis, but it keeps detecting a registry issue and tries to fix it. However, upon a re-scan it is still there and isn't resolved. There is nothing wrong with the PC, but I am just curious what it is. The details are: "Missing TypeLib reference. IWinPwdSvc" followed by a series of numbers/letters. I think it is something to do with Norton. Any clever technical person got any ideas?




  1. A lot of these entries are automatically re-generated by the software, especially Norton. It sets them up, uses them once, then removes related files and does not remove the link. Nothing to worry about.

  2. If you think it's a Norton issue, just uninstall Norton & go with McAfee or another security package. Norton is sooo yesterday, it's worth getting an updated package.

  3. The "IWinPwdSvc" is part of "ispwdsvc.exe" AND THAT IS A PART OF NORTON (think the 2005 version)

    Symantec IS{Internet Security} Password Validation

    Knowing that Ccleaner is attempting to remove theses keys I would have a look to see the permissions are correct for the command you attempting.

    For example open regedit.exe

    Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControl...

    Now press F3

    Type in IWinPwdSvc and search

    When it has found the container right click and select permissions.

    If you add "everyone" and then select full permissions(not recommended if you dont know what your doing), chances are the next time you run ccleaner it will have access to the container and remove it.

    Now, just pause, remember, The container has been set to read-only permissions for a reason - in case of a virus attack.

    The Svc denotes that it a background running service and it can be disabled by msconfig.exe but it is not recommeded.

    Hope that answers a few question marks for ya.

    And one last thing, "If its not broken, Don't fix it"

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