
Computer relationship help?????

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OK, so if someone erased the history on my computer is there anyway to get it back or find out what they were looking at?




  1. OH my gawd yes!! My dad does it all te time.Even if the history is deleted often the temporary internet folder isn't. If you cleared all internet files then you can't do this simply and without a program.

    In the temporary internet forlder are all the pictures and some pages you have been to as well. You can simply see the source of any picture to tell where it came from, or sometimes seeing the pictures is enough to get you the info you needed. There are also all your cookies in here too.

    it is found in C:\Documents and Settings\ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT NAME\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

  2. nope. not at all.

  3. no, you dint have anyway that you can get it back. You could looki n the recycle bin but it is very rare that you will find out the information. If it is serious you can take your computer base to a computer proffesional store located in most towns and they can check the micrchip in the computer and re track every single thing viewed by users. Its also cheap to, about 10 pounds.  

  4. It all depends on how well it was erased.


  5. Temporary internet files folder.

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