
Computer updates?

by  |  earlier

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everytime i shut down my pc, it says installing updates and takes ages to turn off, all my updates are up to date, plus virus checker, registry etc are also all up to date, how can i get rid of these 2 updates, ive looked in the updates section and there is nothing in there.




  1. I am in the same position as you, my updates are set on automatic for every sunday. I have totely ignored it for the past 10 months and had no problems, so ignore it.


    On shutting down click switch off without installing updates

  2. The Internet explorer updates are necessary as IE is full of holes that can be used by hackers etc. I have had hundreds of updates and hotfixes and i dont even use IE i use firefox.

  3. I had the same problem about 4 months ago which turned out to be a conflict between Windows Defender and Microsoft Updates.

    I uninstalled Defender and then reinstalled and everything was fine.

    Its worth a try.
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