
Computer uploading error help!

by  |  earlier

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I have been having problems uploading videos on youtube, so i made a yahoo videos account. Now yahoo isn't letting me upload videos. Is there some kind of download I can use to do a network, because I tried to diagnose the problem when iexplorer said, "this page cannot be displayed." I ran the diagnose thing and windows said there wasn't a problem. Please help me stop this.




  1. Sounds like your video may be too large and is causing the upload process to timeout. See if you can upload something small. If that is not it you may have a problem with your internet connection.

  2. I get that problem ALL THE TIME.. i either send the video to a friend... to upload it for me.. who i trust very much or i go to youtube.. and not where the single uploading thing is.. but the "Multi Video Uploader"

    that helps me alot! if it dont work ask a friend to do it.. or it could be something wrong with ur video such as the video type like the name of it or what type..

    good luck

    Brad G is also right if ur video is longer then 10 minutes it wont work ..

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