
Computer virus issue's please help me!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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hey my computer is having a complete spass. There a many things wrong with it first of all Im using my brothers one that I got about 6months and its not genuine windows im not sure if this matters but it has never been a problem until now. It has a good virus system but a few days ago I downloaded a movie off limewire which now I know was NOT the best of ideas and now when I try to turn it on the screen comes up blank and just has a picture of desktop it has no start bar no icons. It seems to be simply empty and I am complety stumped. I would take it to a computer guy but cause off the fact I have illegal downloaded stuff and my windows is not genuine im not sure that would be the best idea does any one have ANY ideas whets so ever? if so could YOU PLEASE PLEASE help me. Other wise I owe my brother I knew computer which I can not afford!!! PLEASE




  1. Sorry, you have had it......illegal copy of windows, illegal copy of something off Limewire, what else is illegal on that computer

  2. just take it to the computer shop

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