
Computers and viruses.....?

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How does a computer get a viruses?

I know, I feel like an idiot for asking.

I'm absolutely clueless about computers...

Thx a ton =]




  1. Viruses can come from websites, emails, things you download, even from other computers and devices.  It usually sneaks in from unprotected sources.  If you don't have adequate anti-virus protection, then those viruses will reck havoc to your computer.

  2. Moslty, your computer will get a virus, when you download content from the internet, or a P2P engine. However, the main problem is not about just downloading, but opening the file you downloaded. You can get a virus when you open a file that is infected by a certain virus. Today, people are getting more spyware than viruses. I'd say viruses are more potentially harmful than Spyware, but, Spyware is more annoying. Also, there are certain viruses that are not harmful, there are there without one knowing about it. Some people make viruses just to give some type of message or thought. Spyware is a type of virus that inspects what you do in your computer, in order to sell you stuff that you might like. Today, there are certain Spywares, that infect your computer without you knowing, and suddenly your computer starts receiving messages that say "You're computer might be infected by a virus, click the next button to scan your computer" if you click the "whatever" button it pretends to scan your computer and it says it has a virus, and gives you a screen that says to buy some type of fake software to clean up your computer. After this the spyware might have stopped annoying, but not for a long time, since the spyware is not gone, it is gone just for a while, but then it reappears and the spyware maker just want to get more money and money.

    You also can get a spyware by clicking a website that says the similar: "To scan your computer for any virus" And instead of scanning it, or doing any good, they infect your computer. Don't ever click a pop up message. Recently, there are very harmful viruses when just opening an e-mail message, they can destroy all your data, and even doing irreversible damage to your hard drive. Be careful, even if one of your contacts or friends send you a message, be alert and updated.

  3. works great

    thanks your friend michael (aka computer genis)

    im me with windows live (msn) messanger (your computer already has it) if not go here:

    thanks michael

  4. Be aware that every second you are online, some malcontent, somewhere, is trying to get into your files.  With that in mind:

    - do not open e-mail from anyone you don't know

    - do not click on links - instead, type the address in the address bar -- you will soon see if it is legitimate

    - don't insert a disk from anyone without first scanning it for viruses.

    - use an antivirus program.  Norton and McAfee are good, but nothing is 100%.  You and your common sense have to help.

    If you can't afford an antivirus program, here are some freebies:

    AVG free version, antivirus

    scroll down and be sure to click on the free download

    Ad-Aware -- Downloaded 2/10/08 from:

    scroll  halfway down the page to Adaware 7.0

    click Download

    Be careful not to click Buy if you want the free version only.



    I always recommend the following be stored on computers and install them myself on any I repair.

    Avast Home Edition

    Run a full scan once a month. I find this the best free anti-virus software

    SUPERantispyware Free Edition

    Update and run a full scan once a week.

    Spybot Search and Destroy

    Update, Immunize and scan once a week.


    Run the Cleaner scan and remove all it finds

    Run the Registry scan and fix all issues but repeat this until nothing is detected.

    Run this daily.

    Comodo Firewall

    Some people just prefer the Windows one but this is better.

    Check that you don't need to defragment monthly and also run a Disk Cleanup monthly too.

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