
Computers down.........?

by Guest63575  |  earlier

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If all computers around the world suddenly stop working how do you think people would react?




  1. suddenly i have a liking for high buildings with ledges

  2. ppl would start to flip out and wit all the other ppl id be flippin out too♥

  3. I can only answer for myself.  I would panic.

  4. people would go insane...i know i would.

  5. "GET THE GUN!"

    That's how.

  6. we'd all panic

    yikes!  don't even say that!   lol lol

  7. I could care less....come ppl would die tho!

  8. It would be ugly.  What would all of the p**n freaks do?

  9. chaos

  10. they would be very, very, very pissed.

  11. The same way they did in 2k.....Just think if computer stop working so would cell phone, and any of electronic device/ they all use main frame..  We would be en mobile.....banking on line, shopping, etc.    

  12. i wud throw my laptop at a wall

  13. Didn't you see that south park episode?!? o_O

  14. There would be tons of nerd violence

  15. They'd say "This is Bullsh!t"

  16. I would scream

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