
ConAir steam strightener does it work(video of the strightener)?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike this is the strightener i was wondering if it would really work can some one help me




  1. Well, I doubt it can reall unlangle your hair, so you may need to do that yourself, and I bet it's just as good as any other strightener, and dont get fooled by the modles in the comercial, because they have professionalest that do that, I think you should get it, if its not too much money.

  2. yep!

    it works!

    i got one!

    then again, i'm black!

    but if it works for you, it would work for me!  

  3. no i dont suggest steam straighteners i feel they do more harm than good and the point is to make hair straight. add heat and water blows out the hair cuticle, i dont see this advantageous. i had used a friends and was disappointed when i thought it and the results (stunk).

    water+hair= frizz/waves/damage

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