
Conacts and eye infection please help!?!?

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uhmm i tihnk i have an eye infection from my contacts i took them out and have been wearing my glasses will it get better and is my eye infected if so will i go blind?




  1. You should call your eye doctor.  Only he/she can tell you if the infection is serious or just an irritation, and will prescribe medication if necessary.

    DON'T, under any circumstamces, put the contacts back in until the doctor has given you the okay.

    You could have a serious infection, or it could be just some sort of mild infection, or it might be pinkeye.  In any case, you shouldn't wear the lenses until the doctor has looked at you and cleared you to do so.

  2. If you do have an infection you can make eye wash to rinse your eyes, 3 times per day or so.Just google recipe. Store bought eye wash is cheap - look for the boric acid stuff. should clear within 24/48 hours and no you will not go blind. some times i get a scratch on my eye and that irritates my eye like an infection. Best of Luck!

  3. You won't go blind, but it can get very painful. You need to see your optometrist to get medication for the infection, if you don't, it will get worse, even if you think it's getting better, the second you put your contacts back in, you are going to re-infect your eyes (not fun).

    Are your eyes red? Itchy? any discharge? Light sensitive? Painful? These are all signs of an infection. (not all of them are necessary to actually have an infection).

    Call your doctor and get them checked out!

  4. It might get better on its own, but ou should get some eye drops. You can get them over the counter at any pharmacy.  You won't go blind, but your vision could get worse.

    The infection could have occured because your solution was old the contacts were old, they were dirty, you swam in them, or you slept in them. DONT wear them until your eyes clear up.

    Good Luck, Feel Better

  5. no, it would take forever until you get blind :-) but go to walgreens and buy some stuff against pink eye and in three days it will be over. if not, you could see an eye doctor. if you have monthly or weekly lenses and not yearly ones, throw them away and start using new ones, so the infection does not get in your eyes again. maybe you used your lenses too long and therefore you got an infection...

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