
Concept of cause & effect?

by  |  earlier

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There is a cause.

There is an effect.

I get THAT part.

But something else has to be in the middle...I don't know if I'm making this clear, but mainly my question is, what comes between a cause and an effect? What comes after a cause but before an effect? THank you.




  1. distance is what's between cause and effect.

    communication is an excellent example of that:

  2. force  or the movement


    throw a small pebble into a calm lake  

    you get the action the impact and the waves

    the movement of the energy is in the middle

    for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction

  3. To find the cause ask yourself why did it happen? To find the effect ask what happened? There really doesn't have to be anything in the middle except time (reaction time, for example). For example, if I kick someone, they get a bruise. I kicked them *the cause* they bruised *the effect*. The time in the middle could be referred to as the pre-effect period or an anticipatory period where the full consequences (effects) unravel. Or even, creatively, a antecausal period *after cause*.  

  4. O' Dear Divine

    Though you have placed a simple question, but it holds the entirety of the whole universe enveloped and encapsulated in its womb.

    Not ONLY the Cosmic world known as Macrocosm being inclusive of all the Stars, Stellars, Galaxies and beyond unto Clusters OR may it be the strands of Quantum-Energy weaving all of Macrocosm into a grand Reticulation [ web-like entity defined as The Space] BUT also the Microcosm being inclusive of all the Global Entities, Species, Substantial & Elemental Beings, and beyond unto infinite finites of Biological depths of Genes & Nucleotides, Atomic depths of Quarks, Gluons & Preons,  ALL are working on the Great Principle of Orderliness called as " CAUSE & EFFECT CONTINUUM "

    CAUSE ensues into Effect :

    EFFECT is predisposive of Cause.

    CAUSE transforms/transmutates itself to be manifested into a Effect :

    EFFECT is the manifestation for a transformation/transmutation of a Cause.

    This 'Process' or 'Work-In-Progress' that is been linguistically defined by words as

    " ensues : predisposive : transforms : transmutates : transformation : transmutation "

    is what the substantial element that offers itself as a host of an interminable interactivity. And this is to be called only as REASON.

    "CAUSE does travels on the carriage of REASON to be manifested into a EFFECT"

    This trinity of  CAUSE : REASON : EFFECT  does weaves All of the Cosmos, though its an esoteric subject of arcane prudence to be lucubratively known through the process of dedicated Learnings, yet within the comprehension of all the concerned awakes who literally have enkindled their Mind with proper Knowledge [ that develops all of Reason ] to describe and define all is but the Happening of the Cause & Effect.


  5. You're looking for the mechanism, the causal link.  Without understanding the mechanism of the causal connection all you really have is a correlation.  

    If i push and object, it moves.  The relationship is apparent.  More complex relationships are harder to see, and often are misunderstood.  

    Burning fossil fuels causes global warming?  What is the mechanism that makes it happen?  It cannot be demonstrated experimentally.  The relationship is inferred.  We do not really understand the mechanism involved, so we cannot say the relationship even exists.  Maybe the causal relationship doesn't exist.  

    That's what scientists do most of the time.  Looking for ways to explain the mechanism of the causal relationship.  It is not enough to find a correlation.  You need the process.

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