
Conception question!

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Has anyone ovulated 8 to 10 days into their cycle with a 29 day cycle? I have been trying to conceive for two months and have been unsuccessful with intercourse days 11-17. I have two children and got pregnant right away with them (ages 4 and 2) I am only 25 so not at risk for infertile issues. Just wondering if anyone has ovulated sooner than text books predict.




  1. i have an irregular 26 - 32 day cycle.  i got pregnant with my son on the 10th day.  last month i ovulated on the 16th day of the cycle. so it could be possible that you're ovulating earlier, speaking from my own experience. good luck

  2. It's VERY possible to ovulate sooner than books say!  Those are just averages based on mid-cycle ovulation.  However, every woman is different.  I recommend charting your cycles by taking your BBT and watching your cervical mucus.  Those are big natural indicators of ovulation.  Also, ovulation predictor kits can help give you a 24-36 hour heads up of ovulation.  If you think you're ovulating earlier, start taking the tests on CD7 and see when you get your positive.  If you're cycles are always 29 days, then you're ovulating on the same CD each month, so once you test for a couple of months you'll know.

    Best of luck and lots of baby dust!

  3. Of course! Women rarely go by the ovulate on CD14 myth.

    You should start having s*x right after your period ends. You probably have a longer Luteal Phase than most women. (a typical LP is 14 days long, but its normal to have it 12-17 days, yours might even be a few days longer, which might be normal for you)

  4. Check out   It can help get your body in working order so you can conceive alot easier. It helped me get prego with #2 in one months time, after 18 months of trying.
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