
Concerned about appearance as im getting older can anyone help ?

by Guest62734  |  earlier

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ive had a hard life with alot of stress, im 30 now, i feel ive prematurley aged in my face.....i have physical imperfections :

2 missing teeth, front bottom saving for a silver bridge or silver implants.

a crooked little finger due to an injury that droops over, didnt straiten with a splint.

i have torn ankle ligaments , and it is very weak, waiting to hear radioologist report......have to be careful how i walk......was told it will take time to heal..

i have cracked skin on the head of my p***s, tears in the skin covering the head, im waiting to see a dermatologist..

i have dark lines under my eyes i feel i look haggard..

ive suffered severe bullying in life and as a result always had low self esteem.

get clingy with females....expect to much...which frightens them off.

i live alone, on disability, i dont own waiting for psychology....i have bpd and ptsd. ( post traumatic stress )

im starting my life from work history.....never made any relationships.....ive had a c**p unhappy life.

have a minor criminal record....a mental health record etc.

im of spanish and french heritage but lived in england all my life

heres a recent photo of me where im attempting to smile, but i think im very ugly and that my smile looks ' g*y '

what you think:




  1. u look kinda mexican

    im a guy & im straight but i  can still kinda tell you dont look like the type who would have women problems.

    & ur smile doesnt look g*y

    ur being overconcerned

  2. 1. lose weight

    2. get a steady job

    3. shave your facial hair

    4. once you feel better about your self the confidence issue should go.

  3. Start with your mental health, everything else will follow. Know that you are as good as anyone else on the planet, regardless of what you look like.  

  4. looks DO NOT matter. Personality does. Throw all of your flaws away, and look at all of the positive things about yourself. good luck

    EVERYONE answer this question please, i need help.;...

  5. Guys -- either this is a totally made up item or this is someone we stay away from.

    Do not answer his questions.

  6. You obviously suffer from low self-esteem. Yes,seeing a psychotherapist or a counsellor will help you. In the meantime you're also trying to sort something out about your physical issues. You're on the right track. It'll take time,but confidence is something that starts from inside-out,as you seem to know already.........

    Good luck,you can do it.

    And you look quite sweet as you are!


  7. i think youre adorable, i would tottally hang out with you!

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