
Concerned about downswing timing in golf do i swing harder with my arms or slow down my body?

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I really struggle firing through way to early. Sometimes I hit the ground before the ball and lose like 100 yards on tee shots.

Its very hard for me to slow down my body i have tried this and lose distance. I feel I do fire through to hard with my body but i like to what is a good drill to master weight transfer into my front foot. Or whats a good drill I can use to time my downswing for optimal power and solid contact? My theory is its in the hands becuase they are the only thing touching the club do i need to speed up my hands help please?




  1. you may want to check because you may be dropping your hands or the club face to early which can cause hitting the ground check that first and then maybe slow yourself down and take your time going through your swing and checking it out. sometimes when i start going to fast i will clip the ground and i just gotta slow myself down and take my time.

  2. Think about it –

    Your theory on the hands is exactly opposite of what you should be doing.

    Good swings are controlled by the large muscles in your body, your fingers, hands, and arms are all integral, but you should not try to manipulate them during the swing, doing so will lead to inconsistent results (probably similar to what you’ve been experiencing)

    What you should concentrate on is a solid one piece takeaway….try to keep the triangle formed by the grip of the club and your shoulders intact for as long as possible, at least until the club is parallel with the ground (horizontally). Do this a few times and check to make sure the toe of the club is pointing to the sky, if it is, then you’re doing it correctly.

    From that position simply turn your left shoulder until it points at the ball, then begin your downswing by ‘sitting’ down into the shot with your lower body. The legs should initiate the swing.

    If you get Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book, he describes this as the “magic move”, as you begin the downswing your weight shifts to your left heel and your right elbow comes back into your body. As you hit the ball and enter your follow through your weight will have totally shifted and you’ll have 85 to 90% of your weight on your left foot as you complete the swing.

    It takes practice and determination to perfect this move, I would encourage you to get The Little Red book…..great easy to understand info in there.

    Good Luck!

  3. You're right, don't slow down your hands. They are part of your power source. Learn where to position them at impact. Here's the drill I still use when my timing feels off.

    Take a smooth practice swing, but on the way down hold your wrist cauk until your hands come all he way back down into your vision, at or below your belt line. At that point, move your weight to your front foot to brace as you release your hands through impact. This should also highlight where your hips are, and if your lower body is preventing you from getting through impact on plane (a prob I had at one time). If your hips are pushed to far out, it pushes your hands away too, making your impact position less than ideal.

    That move helps me with both timing and power, hope it helps. Good luck.

  4. "Ohio Gol" has it right. Good players control their golf swing with the big muscles, not the small unreliable muscles such as in the hands and wrists.  Not being able to see your swing, it would be tough to get very specific.  As far as weight shift is concerned: If you make a proper turn back and thru, the weight shift will take care of itself.  One of the better drills I've seen for linking up your body and arms is swinging 2 clubs, one in each hand.  Good Luck!

  5. Step through impact. Gary Player does it. You should too. Hands just need to release through smooth. If you are chunking the ground, choke up half an inch towards the shaft end of the grip. As far as timing, try to swing a few times without a ball with just your right arm (Right handed player). Then hit 5 balls with just your right arm. Don't worry about speed or perfect contact. it wont happen with just one arm. but this is a drill. When you leave your right arm on the club and turn your body with it, you can feel the proper timing. Now try to hit a few balls with a full two arm swing. I hope you feel smoother. It works for me.

  6. Ya, what Ohio_ Golfer say's.... Go Buckeyes!

  7. swing like at 85%. you will get better timing and almost the same results

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