
Concerned about this kid I know.?

by Guest10915  |  earlier

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I know this kid that's like 13 or 14, and he smokes already. He smokes quite a bit too, he said around 3-5 a day, and on rare occasions upwards of 8. I'm just worried, if he doesn't quit, how long do you think he will live?




  1. There is a true answer to this question you never know

    Some one could have been smoking for 30 years and live to be up to 85 vs someone who is healthy and die in a car accident tomorrow

  2. Yeah tobacco is usually a slow death, but here's a fun tool.

    My calculation.

    Smoking has reduced your life span by 0 year(s), 16 day(s).

  3. Three to 5 cigarettes a day is not "quite a bit". That is barely smoking! I think he will be lucky to live to be 90.

    So don't worry about him!

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