
Concerned citizen of the U.S.A.------?

by Guest56324  |  earlier

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Why should Hispanic people be able to not abide by our governments expectations of a U.S. citizen, when everybody else that comes into this country from around the world do?




  1. Our government welcomes all sorts of people---Hispanic and otherwise---in large numbers.  

    Just as you like to decide which individuals to invite into your house, the government likes to be able to select who gets to come into the country.

  2. they do abide.

    those who don't are called illegal immigrants.

    and everyone else in the world is not a U.S neighbour

  3. Good question..I don't understand it either..and I am hispanic..but born in the USA..I think it is wrong and needs to be stopped!

  4. The difference is the legal ones do, the illegal ones break the law just by entering, so why would you think they would consider abiding by the law. An illegal can come from any country, not just Mexico, it is just easier when there is a long border

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