
Concerning Girls Gone Wild- Are people more surprised at how loose young women are- or are they angry and.. ?

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Or did they already know how loose and gullible young adult women and they are more upset and angry at the people behind the videos for exploiting something that was widely known?




  1. I am appalled that these girls will do such things just to be seen in a video and get a t-shirt.

    Personally, I think that the way they get these girls to perform is reprehensible.  They go and find them drunk, or get them drunk.  With the alcohol, these girls lose their inhibitions, but they also lose their judgment.  I think it should be illegal for them to videotape anyone who has been drinking.

  2. I think when you give young men lots of alcohol and/or ask them to do incredibly stupid (and I think demeaning) things and you give them 5 minutes of fame for it-they do it as well-look at all of the stupid stunt tv shows and movies filled with these young men. For some reason-it's not as "interesting" to those filming and watching these events to watch men strip-so young girls do incredibily stupid and demeaning things to get their 5 minutes of fame-which usually involves the girls taking off their clothes instead of performing stupid stunts.

    What do I think of the young men and women? That there are always gullible people (men and women) who will be exploited by others-as well as people (men and women) who like to do wild and crazy things and don't give a flip what others think-they know the risks but just don't care. It's difficult to figure out which is which-but if they're of legal age-and what they are doing is not illegal-and they give their consent willingly-they are adults who are allowed to make choices-whether I agree with them or not.  

    What do I think of those filming these young people? I can't imagine what kind of adults could find doing this type of work "rewarding"-but there are definitely worse things you could do to young adults.

    What do I think of those that watch these filmed young people? I can't imagine what the value is of watching drunk people act out or stupid people act stupid-but then again-I don't understand huge amounts of American traditions that others value either.

  3. I think you are trying to make us all out to be nymphos and we're not. I think most of these gals are on something and are drunk, and are exploited doing things they wouldn't normally do. I would imagine if some of the girls watched themselves they'd be mortified!

    Don't lump us all into being loose  - you obviously have not a clue about women. Try venturing out into the real world.

  4. I'm not surprised or angry, just sad that these girls are so stupid and hungry for attention.

  5. I too am appalled at the values of the generation that considers this exhibitionist behavior a badge of honor.  I'm sure many of those young women go looking for the GGW crew knowing full well ahead of time what they're going to do.  What they don't realize is that their behavior will come back to haunt them in the future.  And that lack of awareness, that focus on the moment only, is sad.

  6. i personally think that people should not blame someone for seeing an opportune business venture in selling the idea that young women in bars are going to do stupid things, it should be held against the young girls for not thinking about what in the h**l they are doing. on the other hand should there even be blame placed on the point of view that sexuality is an open thing any more, foriegn countries have had random nudity for years and no one there has a problem with it. so the real question is not whos wrong that is just a sub question to the real question of do you like the idea of open sexuality or the idea of put you d**n clothes back on that is for your spouse which you should already have, its the long fought out battle between christian morals and open minded people

  7. I'm not at all surprised at how 'loose young women are' or how young guys go around with their heads up their butts wondering what stinks ~

  8. well, I am angry that so many girls find themselves doing this. IS THIS THE "LIBERATION' THAT THEY ARE SO PROUD OF?????

    It reminds me of all the typical "rap videos" and our black "gangsta' culture;


    The problem I find with society nowadays is that everyone is calling for more freedom, but lack the discipline to behave responsibly.


  9. Girls and guys both are much more promiscuous with their sexuality than previous generations and we now have more problems with veneral disease and aids than ever before.  Gee...I wonder why?

  10. The girls are no more "loose and gullible" than boys of the same age.

    *Its very much a matter of exploitation.  You clearly lack education on the subject.  Let me help you out:

    Goodbye to Girlhood

    As Pop Culture Targets Ever Younger Girls, Psychologists Worry About a Premature Focus on s*x and Appearance

  11. For me it's no big deal.  Not all young women act crazy just to get on some crappy video.  Nobody's forcing them to do any of these antics which are crashingly boring.  It's not even halfway decent p**n.

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