
Concerning Homeschooling:?

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Hello, I’m currently a sophomore in high school, and my parents and I are thinking about home schooling. Today I mentioned I would love to be home schooled, and my dad seemed to promote the idea, however he said he and my mother would need more information in order to look any further into it.

I would like to know how much it typically costs in order to do this. What steps must we take in order to make the change? How will this affect me if at all? How does this benefit me? Can I catch up/move ahead if I wanted to? How exactly does the process work? Do I work with programs on the computer or do book work-or a combination? I’m a bit clueless, so any extra information would be very helpful! I really appreciate it!




  1. Check my website out for more information. Some parts are under construction, but over the next few weeks, I should have alot of stuff on there. Everything is free on my website. I created it to provide service to people interested in homeschooling for free.

  2. A few states have free computer programs.

    Mostly it's books and software and that costs money

    The cost is anywhere from $100 to $3,000 per year, depending on type of course you take

    Most homeschool programs are religiously oriented, a few are secular.

    Not all situations award accredited diplomas, however most colleges accept homeschoolers who take and pass SAT and ACT or placement tests with flying colors

    Homeschooling does NOT work well with lazy or unmotivated or unsupervised students

    Many homeschoolers who start young get into college (including Ivy League Universities) at age 16 or 17

    A few fail miserably

  3. For legal information, please visit Every state had different requirements, and since we don't know where you live, you'd have to look there.

    Cost is dependent on what your plans are....we spend very little, because we do not purchase predeveloped curricula or use internet schools. Most of our homeschool budget is spent on memberships to museums and parks and rec. You could choose to do it all online, you could choose to buy books, it really is all about you, how you work best and what you enjoy, how you learn.

    Homeschooling can benefit you, because it allows you to follow our own interests, concentrate on your weaknesses and go as quickly or slowly as you like.  There are a ton of homeschooling websites, just google and start reading. Blogger has a lot of webrings for homeschooling and perhaps that would give you some ideas of how it works IRL.

  4. Go thru a charter school you meet with some one once or twice a month they give you your assignments and then you do them in your time. The good thing is they pay for all materials and karate or ballet. etc. so it is a good thing to look into we just started and my daughter is a sophomore aswell. She is loving it.

    go to my links under links for more info.

  5. 1. The cost really depends on where you do it. There are some free online schools depending on your state and you can choose to do just books or or just online or both. I do Penn Foster (

    2. You just have to go talk to the couselour and get a form fill it out and leave- peice of cake

    3.It wont really affect you that much, you will get more sleep and not have to worry about teachers, you can still go to football games and other school activities. Just keep in touch with your friends daily.

    4.It benefits you because you can learn more because honestly public schools dont teach you much, you can have extra time to study things you like

    5.Yes you can catch up and move up. you pretty much do it at your own pace, you can do as many grades as you want whenever


    7.You can choose whatever you like.

    Hope this helps. Email me with any other questions.

    You will not miss out on any important c**p in school except drama and pain.

    ***To the person below


  6. these are your most important years and you should stay in school and be taught. home schoolong is for kids who have medical problems and can't get out on there own in life. you need to be taught by these teachers as that's why they have degrees to teach you. you stay home now and you will be missing out on alot in the next 2 years. you also miss out on socializing with people on your computer.

  7. Parents who choose to homeschool their children seem to agree on one thing: they all want their children to have the best education possible, and they feel that no one is better able to provide such an education than them. This belief is supported by scientific evidence that suggests that a homeschool education is superior in many ways to a conventional public or private school education.

    Homeschooling can be a complicated matter, especially when it comes to the laws surrounding it. Homeschooling laws vary from state to state, country to country and year to year. In the guide to state laws and homeschooling, you can review the legality of homeschooling and how it varies from state to state. You can also learn about the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).

    Once you’ve made the decision that homeschooling is right for your family, it’s time to figure what, and more importantly, how you’re going to teach. Homeschooling Plus takes an in-depth look at all of the most common homeschooling philosophies. If you’re the kind of parent who believes that children should be free to learn about whatever they wish, at a pace that they dictate, then maybe unschooling is the right method for you. If you have several children of different ages, then have a look at how the unit studies method can work for your family. You’ll also be able to peruse overviews of how families are using educational philosophies such as the Montessori method and Waldorf education in a homeschool setting.

    Finally, the tips for parents section offers advice on topics ranging from how to find affordable homeschool teaching supplies to how to balance housework and homeschool.

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