
Concerning home schools...?

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my son is 15.5yrs and is a sophomore in high school. He's a smart kid but just does things a certain way in school. For example, he doesn't take notes unless it's a hw assignment b/c he can remember it all. He highlights things when he reads, but is constantly told not to in school b/c it takes up too much time etc. He went to public school last yr but got into trouble. He's currently attending a private school that my 2 girls go to but is constantly be repermanded.

I was thinking of looking into a home school program for him. Theres 2 woman right outside of town who home schools about 14 children ranging in ages from 13-17yrs and I've only heard great things about, but I'm not so sure about the homeschool program or how it works.

Anyone know of someone who does this, send their child to something like this, went to something like this or home schools their child?




  1. Home school is great, I'm home schooled. don't listen to the people before me, they don't know what they are talking about!  I use abeka, its a Christian based program, but bible is optional.  You can go to a group once a week than he'll get a social life.  They are called Co Op's.  go to:

    Bob Jones is another. You don't even have to be there most of the time with either, they have videos an the teachers are filmed In a real classroom, telling your son and her students what to do.  there are tons of others, even ones who give you a computer; pencils and anything else you need. You have to pay though.  It's really cool!

    P.S. i'm in seventh grade and this was my first year homeschooling, but it had it's ups and downs.

  2. your kid will be a lonner if he doesn't go to school

  3. Im in a virtual charter school (AZ virtual academy) and, im  in 9th grade and Im 14. I dont like it because I miss being with kids my age, I just end up staying home all day with my little sister doing schoolwork and teaching her... Ask him what he wants to do or, let him try a virtual school, for like, the rest of this year and, if he likes it then he can keep doing it. The school that I attend, has amny different schools in the USA, go to and, see if there is one in your state=]] They send you all the stuff you need, and reimburse you for interent=]]]

  4. Yes! I love it as a parent!

    I have an 18yr, 16yr triplets, and a 12.5yr.  My oldest went to a program similar to this for the 8th grade only. She liked it but wanted to go to a regular high school.

    My two 16yr sons have been attending since the 8th grade and are now sophomore as well. They LOVE it. Every morning I drop them off at 8:15am at this woman's house about 10 minutes away. She is a certified secondary education teacher with a degree in special education as well. She also worked at a Montessori school in the past and uses a lot of their methods. She's extremely ENTHUSIASTIC and has so much character to her. You walk in and you know you're in a home. She's dressed in jeans in a sweatshirt, hair pulled back with a smile on her face. The kids sit on the floor, couches chairs etc...where ever they want. It's so relaxed.

    There is a total of 10 kids in the program ranging in ages from 12yrs to my boys' age. They each learn at their own pace, do work on their own, taught as a group and are taught 1 on 1 or 1 on 2-3, depending on where everyone is. On Monday, the kids are givin a list of asignments they need to have done by the end of the week, what they'll have lessons on and a 2 week project. When they aren't being taught something, they are to do their other work. Every other friday they go on some kind of feild trip or work with a charity. On the other Fridays they work and present their projects which can range from a power point presentation to a poster to a hands on activity etc. What they would would learn in 2 week in a regular classroom they learn in 1 in this program.

    They love going and really enjoy it. They tell me all the time: It's like going to school with all your closest friends. They still have PLENTY of friends outside of school, participate in sports of all levels and are very social kids.

    They too did things similar to your son in school and struggled. This is what I found to help. This setting is relaxing, hands on and free. I'd highly suggest it.

    I would go visit this woman and watch her teach. Watch her interact with the kids and even talk to them about what they think of the situation. Some of them go for a year or two, some of them attend until they graduate. If you approve of it, take your son to see it on a second trip.

  5. Homeschooling is amazing. :]

  6. Home schooling is no good, your kid will never get a real social life that way. If you think he'll ever get married after homeschooling, forget it. He'll be alone for the rest of his life, cause he wouldn't know how to talk to people.

  7. Yes!  I currently homeschool my children and I have seen children homeschooled all the way through high school with great success.  

    Basically, with homeschooling you choose what and how you want your child to learn, and go about teaching him.  At your son's age, many kids are working primarily independently and your child will free to learn in the manner that best suits him.

    You should start by looking at the laws in your state:

    The next thing I would recommend you do is read over this page about learning styles and see where your child fits:

    That will help you with choosing a curriculum.

    Some high schoolers like to use text book or computer based programs.  Here's some info as well as a list of popular providers:

    I hope you give it a try!

    Good luck!

  8. I used to attend sort of a similar program.  It wasn't exactly the same, as it was run by multiple parents who were all members of the same homeschool group, and the program was only held one day per week -- parents taught just their own kids for the other four days of the week.

    However, homeschooling sounds like a great option for your son.  The problems he's having with public and private school are some of the most common types of reasons that people begin homeschooling.

    If I were you, I would contact the woman who homeschools the kids and ask for more details about the program.  Obviously you want to make sure that it's legitimate and that she will be able to accommodate your son's needs.  I think it would be ideal if you could teach him yourself, but if that's out of the question for your family, this woman's program might be a great alternative.

  9. First off make sure your son wants to be homeschooled! Homeschooling is great but please don't force you son into something he doesn't want to do. Have you tried talking to your son about the reasons he is getting in trouble at school for? Does he get good grades in school? If he does then don't try to change his studying habits just because they aren't what everyone else does. Remember every person is unique.

  10. Since this is very new to you, there are many books to read, and you can consider a virtual school if you don't want to develop a program and teach yourself.  But my best suggestion would be to go and talk to the woman you know of in the neighborhood.  Ask if you can spend a day watching what she does and get a feel for the whole concept of homeschool.  See if that is something that stirs your soul and whether you think your son would respond well to homeschool.  Then ask if you can take her out to coffee and have some questions answered.  Go prepared.  See if she can steer you toward other local resources and spend a month or two gathering as much information as you can.  Go to the library and pull books on homeschooling and learning styles and spend some real quality time having heart to hearts with your son.  See where his head is in this whole plan.  If he is not on board with homeschooling, neither one of you will be pleased with the results.

  11. Don't know what state you are in, but have you looked into cyber charter schools?

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