
Concerning morning sickness is this normal?

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i have always been a little nauseous for the past 10 weeks(thats how far i am) but have only gotsick like 4 times...thing is when i did get sick its not actual vomit sometimes its white sometimes yellowish... today is the first day i got sick in the middle of the day and cant keep anything down...only thing i have kept in is crackers.... after getting sick i have dry heaves and they hurt sooo bad sometimes. any advice would be great




  1. I;'m doing the exact same thing.I t hurts bad, huh. Those dry heaves are awful. It's normal. Just remember to drink your fluids and eat often to stay nourished.

  2. Its normal, just be sure to stay hydrated, if you have problems with keeping down fluids or keeping them in, then you need to call your doctor. They can prescribe you some tablets that will reduse or completely stop your morning sickness, they are great lol.

  3. yes unfortunately its normal!

    just try and eat whatever sounds good, drink lots of liquids.

    There isn't much you can do...

    dry toast, and crackers are always good

    also ginger ale

    If you find that those dont help trying eating some candied ginger, or take a ginger pill you can find them at most whole food stores

    good luck

  4. The whitish/yellowish liquid is mucus, probably from the lining of your stomach.  That occurs on an empty stomach, like you have in the morning.  

    The nausea is normal, the vomiting is also normal, within reason, and it sounds like you are within reason.  

    Eat what you can, when you can, and keep up the calorie, protein and nutrient intake to be sure the baby gets enough (a high veggie intake is good).   If the crackers stay down, wait a short time afterwards, til your stomach is a little more calm, and eat some crackers, then wait a while longer and eat some steamed veggies (steaming makes them easier to digest).  Make sure to eat only veggies you have always stomached well.

    Good fortune with your pregnancy.

  5. The morning sickness will pass. If you feel like you are getting dehydrated go to the ER so they can give you an IV. My first pregnancy I had to do this, because I got bad morning sickness and went in to the ER. They gave me an IV and sent me home about 6-8 hours later. Take it easy, rest, and drink plenty of water. Find things that you can eat that won't make you sick. This will help you and your baby. If you have more concerns, I'd suggest calling your doctor. Take care!

  6. if you havent eaten then its just stomach acid you bring up so yes, thats normal. i used to get the dry heave too, it really does hurt, my chest hurt so bad sometimes i thought i was going to have a heart attack! unfortunately, theres not much you can do about it. just keep going with the crackers, dry toast - tasteless foods.

    i promise, it does get better (for a while)

  7. Yeah, totally normal. Which sucks. But the best that you can do is snack on crackers, try flat ginger ale and raspberry leaf tea. It usually teetes off around 16-20 weeks. So hang in there babe!

  8. i had dry heaves bad the only way i could stop them was with cold cold air. it was winter so i'd go outside for a min.. you could try your freezer it really least to stop the dry heaves

    as for citrus juice it was the only thing i could keep down!

  9. I felt like that pretty much throughout the first three months of my pregnancy too. I found that the only thing I could keep down was saltine crackers and sprite. I also tried some ginger and that seemed to help a bit. If it doesn't seem to help and you are very ill, talk to your doctor. I think he can actually prescribe you something. Good luck and Congrats!

  10. Dry heaves are the worst aren't they? I think I'd almost rather throw-up! Try crackers, dry toast, ginger can try some soup and/or some jello if you feel up to it. Just eat slowly and if you feel sick stop eating. Keep some crackers by your bedside and before rising eat a couple of crackers, sit in bed for about 10 minutes after that and then get out of bed. Stay hydrated, water, sports hydration drinks such as gatorade, soup broth and maybe juice like apple juice are good. Avoid smells and foods that irritate your nausea. Avoid citrus juice, milk, and coffee. Good luck hunny, I'm right there with ya!

  11. I was like that with all my pregnancies. It's very normal. And I got it all day long. If you keep vomiting you'll have to go to the hospital for an iv. I got such bad morning sickness with my first one that I spent a total of 3 weeks in the hospital. So it's normal. And it will pass. And at 13 weeks is gonna be the worst because this is when the hormone that makes you sick peaks, then after 13 weeks the sickness should start to go away. Good luck

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