
Concerning the new laws making it illegal to speak on them. what about the passage rs?

by  |  earlier

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All of these new laws that all of the states are making for the used or not to use,How about the people who are the passagers in these autos? I know that when they make them that they are thinking of everyone safety.




  1. What the matter can't use what the law is about? It is called Cell Phones. The passager can use them the old way.The driver only need to have a hands free. A simple ear plug and the phone set auto=answer. Even some of the new free only redial the last number to the phone. Unless you trun on volice command. It against the law to be holding it while driving. Most truck drive have had head sets for years. In NY it a hundren dollas find, Truckers pay double.

  2. They are thinking of the passenger as well as everyone driving and not driving.....

  3. Is this about phones?

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