
Concerning wars of the last few centuries

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How has the Anglo-Zionist elite managed to defeat their opponents over the years ,including Napoleon,Kaiser William 2,n**i Germany,then the Soviet Union.Even when a nation like the northern U.S. manages to defeat a Zionist client state such as the American Confederacy back in the Civil War,the eventually somehow turn their would be rivals into the Zionist camp. Is that 1 of the reasons the likes of the Rothschilds were able to get the U.S. into what is now called WW1? Just like us the neo-cons lied about the Iraqi threat and the WMDs that turned out non-existent.




  1. I think you have alot of ideas that are not well articulated here.  You cannot group all these things together...

    Now to answer about WW1 and American involvement, it is not as much the Zionist influences in themselves, but like you imply, the banking and elite financial interests that brought us into that war.  The reasons being that all years of Entente warfare had so far been funded by these same elites: Loans, ammunition, rifles, explosives, other war supplies were all coming from America.  Who was going to pay all this back if Germany won?  America came into the war to protect its investment, an investment about to go down the drain if American boots did not come to the rescue.

    As far as Iraq, that war is simply part of the agenda of global elitist profiteering.  The war is waged against both an enemy of Israel and simlultanously allows our elites to reap the spoils of privatization.  It is a convenient marriage that will continue until it is no longer profitable.  Since the elites, Jew and non Jew, both are interested in profit first, this agenda allows them to wage continued war. They can now seek money from congress ( Which is lent by the private federal reserve that charges average Americans interest later ironically), and then transfer that laundered money into their pockets via the "war".

    It is not an Anglo-zionist connection that is the cause of this but rather a simple alliance between the established elites in the western industrialized nations.  

    Like everything, nothing lasts forever.  The moment profit can be turned only by abandoning Israel, then that is the day that Israel will be dropped by its current protectors. All these folks prefer money over any ideology.

    Finally, as for the confederacy, they were the opposite of a Zionist client state.  The elites there were very much not internationalists let alone anything to do with Zionism.

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