
Concerting adoption?

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well im 25 weeks pregnant married and have had 4 kids 3 were taken from me by d.h.s and adopted out to good homes. my yougest is living with her dad. im not really ready for another child. my husband is excited this is his first baby. we live on my ssi which is only $600 a month, we are at a homeless shelter and life does not seem to be getting any better for me. i dont know what to do any advice




  1. Deinately adoption. Do an open adoption that way you can pick who your baby goes to and you can get to know them first.

  2. That's a tough space to be in for sure.  I am wondering why you are living only on your SSI.  If your husband doesn't receive SSI, then I am assuming he is able to work, but isn't?  If he wants this child that badly, maybe it is time he picked himself up and pulled together some income to get you both into a better situation.  However, that doesn't mean you are in a position to handle a baby emotionally.  The fact that you are saying you are not ready, is it related to your economic situation or your emotional state?  If it is mainly the second, then adoption could be a better path for all of you.  If you do an open adoption, you can still be a part of your child's life to some degree.  Talk to a counselor for sure, and an adoption counselor to find out what your options might be.

  3. Considering you are at a homeless shelter have you spoken to one of the counselors there about your options? Perhaps a planned parenthood if your shelter does not have anyone. As horrible as your situation sounds perhaps there are programs in your area that may help you get back on your feet without having to place your child. But if you truly feel that you are not ready or cannot handle another child then you need to speak with a counseler about about this before seeking out an agency.

  4. “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,” Jesus asserts, “so that your alms may be done in secret” (Mt 6,3-4). Don't boast of one’s own good works so as not to risk being deprived of the heavenly reward (cf. Mt 6,1-2). "

    Ur Blessed, you help people to boost your own self esteem. That's exactly why you post questions and answers that tend to be against adoption. Not to learn more, but simply because on this forum, you get more approval from people when you are against adoption. Seriously, you really need to do some self seeking. You've got serious issues that need to be analyzed. You're not on this site to gain info on your son. You're on this site to brag about yourself and and get pats on the back from people. You really need help. I'm in awe that it doesn't bother you that you have to come on an internet sight to feel better about yourself. What is wrong with you?

  5. I'm not going to tell you what to do.....only you can know.

    there are too many options for you to just give up. I guess a lot of it depends why your others were taken away.

    I have a friend at church who was preg. alone, evicted, broke, living in a homeless shelter too. She considered adoption, but with the support of the women at church, she was able to get through the rough spot in her life. that doesn't meen she won't have more rought times, but we we'll be there for her.

    I saw a post yester day (forgive me for not remembering where) and poster said. "people love helping people" this is true.  I love helping people. You just need to ask and not take advantage.

  6. How do you get access to the Internet from a homeless shelter?

    If you at the library then you should ask for a phone book to look up social services so you can aquire housing an financial  aide.

    Good luck and I wish you the will find a solution that will work best for your family.

  7. considering your situation, u should consider letting your baby be adopted. what kind of life could you or your husband provide for him/her when they deserve so much more than what you have or are willing to offer. Theres a song that goes "love will keep us alive" but it won't. sometimes you love someone enough to see they deserve better. you and your husband should have considered what life you could provide for a child before you got pregnant. Sure he is excited, but not enough to the point to change the life you two lead to make a better world for your child. Obviously neither of you are ready.
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