
Concidering moving to manitoba from bc for cheap housing?

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pros, cons, any tips on living in the coldest province. i'm thinking about the winnipeg area, is tuition high. if you could, how would you compare it to bc. any info would be great. thanks




  1. Pro's...

    Wonderful summers (average high is +25.8c and low is +13.3c)

    Great fishing ( )

    Friendly people (our license plates say it all "FRIENDLY MANITOBA")

    Lots of golf courses ( )

    Good university's ( , both of these web sites have tuition information)

    Lots of different cultures (this makes for some a lot of different restaurants to choose from)

    Wonderful beach only an hour and a bit away (Grand Beach, north of Winnipeg. It has sand like you have never seen before )


    Cold Winters (average high is -12.7c and low is -22.8c)

    Bad Roads (from the frost lifting in the spring the roads and streets do get very bad potholes, budget a new suspension into your car fund.)

    Aside from what I have listed there are not many cons. I love it here and am sure you will too.

    I hope that this has helped... good luck on your move!

  2. Be prepared for hot summers and extremely cold winters. Horrid weather!

    At least in Vancouver winter isnt too cold and summer isnt too hot.

  3. There is a housing boom right now.

    You also need to consider that you would most likely earn less then you do in B.C. so there will be a difference in how much you are spending on housing vs. in B.C. but it won't be huge.

    Unless you own property in B.C. and are selling that to buy property in Winnipeg.  Then you might be set.

  4. I use to live in Winterpeg.Its know as the windy city.I hated it.I dont know what the houseing situation will need to do some research.Have you even been out there for a vist?thats the first place to start.

  5. Manitoba has a lower tuition than the places in BC that I am aware of.  There are the main ones in Winnipeg-U of Manitoba and U of Winnipeg.  Brandon also has the Brandon University.  Both also have colleges-Assiniboine and Red River Colleges.

    Housing costs are high right now in MB (they say) but they do not compare as being "high" as in urban areas in BC.  There is also a low vacancy rate for apartments too-which can make it harder.

    Cost of living is also lower in MB.  Comparing groceries and things like that, it is lower.  Gas tends to be higher in Wininpeg than Vancouver.  There is a transit system there, but it will not compare to the transit of Vancouver.  ;)

    If you do own a vehicle, I mentioned gas.  Maintenance costs are higher in MB due to the cold winters, pot holes etc.  Insurance is usually lower-depending on what you own.

    Temperatures will be an abrupt change.  Winters are colder than BC, it is dryer and windier too.  There is more sun and less rain...but tends to be more snow too.  When it is cold, it is COLD.  When it is hot, it is HOT.

    Health care is included in your taxes, as opposed to paying for monthly as you do in BC.  It can be harder to find a doctor, depending on where you plan to live in MB.

    Pay scale can also be lower in Winnipeg-depending on your field.  Keep in mind, you may be paid lower-but so are your other costs.  You would have to determine if the difference between what you make now and pay out is the same or different.

    The people of Manitoba are friendly.  They make the most of what they have and are so used to the beauty of the province, sometimes it is taken for granted.  (eg the winters...colder than anything-but if you ever see a sundog in the sky it will take your breath away)  The diverse culture allows for many different cultural events which are celebrated.  There are festivals, and as many restaurants as you can ever visit.  (take advantage of Taste of MB when it comes in July or Folklarama!)

    The big thing is to come to Manitoba with an open mind.  If you continually compare Manitoba to BC, you won't be doing yourself any favours.  (and locals wont like it either)  Apples and oranges are bothe great-just a matter of what YOU prefer-the same with the provinces.  :)

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