
Conditioning for Track Runner who is slow?

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My season doesn't start until January but I am very nervous. I did Track last year and I was very slow- i get heavy breathing when I run and I get very nervous before every race. At the 100, i'm okay...but I don't like running long distances (I'm a sprinter)

I do Hurdles 100 and 300. I absolutely HATE the 300 hurdles but it is required if you want to be a hurdler.

I really want a conditioning workout to come back next year (my sophomore year) and prove my coaches wrong. I was very close to quitting because I just lose motivation in myself. I am the slowest of the hurdlers.

Can you tell me what I can do each month (like a schedule) of running or sittups or pushups or whatever! Also, my mom offered to buy me a hurdle so I can work on my jumps in the back yard- is this a good idea??

Thank You So Much!



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