
Condo owner can sue a lessee(tenant)?

by  |  earlier

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I took a lease for an unit of condo.

But I wanna cancel the lease before expiration of the lease term.

But one of my friends said it is possible for a condo owner to sue me.

So, I am wondering it is true.

Can anyone help me?




  1. Sure it is true.   You are breaching a contract, which is grounds for a law suit.    

    Talk to the owner, you can usually buy your way out early.

  2. Of course, if your lease is with the condo owner, he can sue you for breach of lease.

    You can be held liable for the rent until wither the lease expires or a replacement tenant is found.

    You can also be held liable for advertising costs, agent fees and any other cost the landlord may incur due to your breach.

  3. The condo owner cannot sue the person who subleased the condo, because the original leasee is still financially "on the hook" for the balance.

    That is why they call it a SUBlease..because you have subbed under another lease.  If the landlord had a contract with you directly, they would just call it a lease.

    However, you CAN be sued by the person you took the sublease from.

    I hope you really consider the impact you are having on someone else and pay your financial obligations.  Subleases are nice, but I'll be honest, folks like you are the reasons why most landlords won't agree to them...b/c they don't take subleases seriously.

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