
Condom Excuses Help Me Out?

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Okay so if a guy says 'I dont want to use condoms I cant feel a thing' or 'two strokes wont hurt' what can I use to counter them? I mean just saying 'well forget it then' doesn't work lol.

Male and female answers welcome just don't be mean :)





  1. If it ain't going on then it ain't going in. END OF STORY> You want it. You will put the condom on.

  2. Talk to him about the different varieties of condoms available - There are a lot of varying types from "spray-on" condoms to the "feather-lite" brands. There are condoms out there that do offer enjoyable sensations for either partners which also protect against the danger of unwanted pregnancies and STD's

    I think it's more appropiate to try and make it work for both you and your partner instead of making him unhappy or having a bad s*x life.


  3. I suggest if you want hot passions for s*x you should consider marriage has I'm a strong believer that s*x before married life is a sin,

  4. tell him to put the stamp on his letter otherwise it's not going in your box.

  5. Listen pal no plonker equals no nookie, no body gets skin on skin in my vicinity.

  6. Instead of "forget it then," you could try saying "Goodbye."

  7. use a diffrent condon, dotted or extra sensitive.

    your the one taking the risk girl, your the one who will end up with a child, and your the one who will have to look after it, all becasue he didnt want to use a condom and you couldnt say no.

    and i doubt that he is clear of any STD's since he is obviously sleeping with other people, since he has a child already you should be even more worried. dont be stupid!!

  8. he's full of excuses and that's irresponsible. "just forget it" might be the only clear message he gets. stick to your guns, dont give it up unless he uses one.

  9. It sounds like he has little or no respect for you.

    By the way, whenever you say when he refuses to put one on, what happens? Does he not have s*x with you, does he eventually put one on after you make an issue of it or do you eventually agree to not bother?

    The reason I ask is because if it is the first one, then he is very in control of his sexual urges and should be possible to reason with.

    If it is the second, then he is trying his luck and if you keep insisting he wear one then he will either eventually learn or else will leave the relationship (which is not a loss as all you are asking him to do is reasonable and most guys would do it out of respect)

    If however it is the last one, then I'm afraid it will almost be impossible to get him to wear one as he knows he can break you down and a lot of the reasoning goes out the window.  

  10. Tell him you have more respect for yourself and your body than to have unprotected s*x. There is no way to be sure anyone is definitely clear of STD's or HIV unless they've abstained from s*x for some months before being tested. Some STD's have no obvious symptoms. Do you really want to take a chance on a guy who 'children don't bother'?

  11. just ask them if there ready to be a father because once an accident happens you can't take it back and if they don't want to use a condom they need to be ready for that responsibility or go on the pill so you don't have to worry about it as much, good luck

  12. tell him 'no glove, no love'

    keep saying it, until he realises, he should put one on automatically then, without you having to ask

  13. I'd just tell him that if he doesn't want to wear one then your knickers stay on. They're not that bad to wear really. You do lose a bit of feeling but I wouldn't say you can't feel a thing. Make sure he pulls his f******n back before putting it on, that helps. Or maybe you could put it in for him to change things round a bit.

  14. Huh? Does he realize that if he doesnt' use a condom he's at risk of getting an STD including AIDS?

    Tell him that and if that doesn't work, tell him that he's sleeping with every person that that girl slept with. That should be a good wake up call.  

  15. This guy clearly has no respect for your wishes and if he is not willing to use a condom then he is not worth the time of day. Maybe he will be happy to see you trapped with a baby. Bin the man.

  16. "STFU! PUT IT ON OR Fook Off!"

  17. Just ask what he wants to call the baby.

  18. Don't be silly slip a condom on your willy................................or it will be all in hand mate!

  19. how about some pics of stds (not suggesting you have any, but jus implications), cld u babysit for friend etc to understand how difficult having a baby around can be. If u never give in then he will have 2 do it eventually, im sure he wld rather that than nothing at all, good luck!!!

  20. tell him not to go swimming without a life preserver.

  21. Say obv you can feel something coz you end up cumin hence why the little helmet is on it anyway


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