
Condoms, how good are they really?

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would you always notice a whole in a condom?




  1. My brother used a condom with his gf and 9 months later they had a kid. But one time my bf and I took a condom and filled it with water and it wouldn't break. I never thought a condom could get that big, but just in case, I'm on the pill.

  2. If there's a hole in the condom then it will break during s*x. If this happens then get the morning after pill ASAP.

  3. My boyfriend always checks...disgusting i know!!


  4. A "hole" would be noticable if you really looked for it prior to use.

  5. Not very. They cannot prevent AIDS, it is a myth that they do.

  6. normally they dont work

  7. I don't think you would notice a hole in a c. That is why you always use a backup birth control method every time.

    Not a lot of people know this and that is why our world is over populated with kids with really dumb parents. Movie that best portrays this = Idiocracy

  8. No you wouldn't notice a hole in the condom because guys just put it on their things. sorry i can't be of much help i hope this helps.

  9. They are great!!

    You can tell if the condom has been tampered with before you even open the pack.

    When you take a condom out of the box, and it feels like a little air pocket inside, then you know its good. If its not- then i would throw it away

  10. Don't know, never used one

  11. No you don't always notice a hole in a condom. but if there are no holes and it is put on properly and doesn't slip off during s*x, then they are very effective.  

  12. its just for stopping us  

  13. They are very reliable you can combine them with a minipill, that's what I used while I was breastfeeding.

  14. Yes, just always see and feel the wrapper before its opened, squeeze it with minor pressure and you should feel sort of a bubble effect, this means there are no broken seals.  

  15. condoms are as good as a piece of latex that goes over your wiener... if ur worried about gettin prego then dont have s*x

  16. Most condoms are 99% guaranteed! And no some holes can be so tiny that you dont see them!

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