
Coney island beach (NY)direction

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How do I get to Coney island beach? I live on the 6 line train. I just wanna know what train goes there becuz i can figure out the rest. Thank you =]




  1. Take the 6 to Bleeker Street and transfer for the F train (it's officially a different station, but you can change without going above ground, at least in this direction.)

    Then take the F train all the way to the very end of the line - it's a long, long ride. Just warning you!

  2. take the d train at pacific st/ atlantic. its about 15 short stops from there


  3. You haven't been here for very long, have you?

    The D, F, Q or N trains will take you to Coney Island.

  4. I know the F train goes there transfer point on time square.  also you can call 311 on your phone they will be able to help you.

  5. Of the lines that go out there, I would reccommend the F above the others.  Make a transfer at Bleecker street.

  6. My friend, you can take the #6 train to 59th Street and transfer to the "N" train there. Take the "N" train from Lexington Avenue-59th Street to Coney Island.

    Let me warning you, the trip to Coney Island is very long, so make sure you carried some reading material.

    Good luck

    Naitve New Yorker

  7. Take the F line train , get off at the last stop.  

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