
Confer with other childcare workers about guiding children's behaviour.?

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consider what you regard to be acceptable and unacceptable behaviour within the group of children aged 3 to 5.

discuss your considerations with other staff, is there anything you could change in regard to what you find unacceptable? why?/Why not?




  1. I think that it is incredibly important to confer with staff if any positive outcome in expected...The Child care workers and teachers are in the actual classroom day in and day out...

    I am guessing that the question you posted in perhaps straight from an assignment?  

    There really isn't a way to get a straight "group" answer through this type of board, but I would encourage you to delve into a particular book "Developmentally Appropriate Practices" By: Bredekamp and Copple- It goes over what is developmentally appropriate for different age groups and why as well as practical evidences that positive practices are being carried out.

    I think that as a Child Development professional in whatever capacity, your thoughts on acceptable/ unacceptable have the possibility to change.  For example, you may feel that one particular practice is completely unacceptable, then see another professional carry it out differently than you had pictured it and find that it is indeed an acceptable practice.

    Different people have different opinions on "Acceptable" behavior- but there has to be a meeting place from both extremes to define what is positive interaction and negative- Is it harming the children's growth or promoting it?

    Hope this helps!

  2. This is something that most quality child care programs/preschool do regularly...observation, discussing your observations and what we want to do to help the program/teachers improve.  

    Sorry that I can't be of any help as I do know know the children/staff/or program philosophy.

  3. I guess I am the only one who really doesn't understand the question? This sounds like a mission statement problem? Maybe you are saying that you have issue with how another staff person is handling some issues within guidance?  I would say that (just like you model with the children) you should use your words.  If you have enough concern to voice this should bring this out in the open.  I caution you, when  considering bringing this up, that individual teaching styles are varied. Be sure that what YOU see as inappropriate isn't simply divergence.  If there is a issue of safety, shaming, language etc.... take this up immediately.  I probably missed the whole question. Sorry!

  4. I have not observed the children, so it is hard to say what they did that is acceptable and unacceptable.  I do not know the children, so it is impossible to work out a good strategy to solve the issues.  I do not know the other staff, so it is impossible for me to discuss anything with them.


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