
Confidence With New Friends?

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Hi, I just moved to a new city and school, and I have a question. I had a lot of friends back at my old school, and could just laugh and talk about anything without a second thought. Now its different, I have a new group of buddies I regularly hang with, but I am usually all quiet now. I second guess near everything I say before I say it, and a lot of it I keep to myself. I dont mean opinions, just talk. I tend to be very quiet as apposed to how I was back in my old school. So I am asking this, how long will it take me to warm up? It has been about a week now, and I am wondering if there is something I am doing wrong.





  1. You should work on being the exact opposite!!!

    You are in a new place with new people.... you can be anything you want to be! haha.

    I knew a shy girl from Cali... who moved to new york and became outgoing...

    when she told people where she was from they started asking questions and became really intersted.. of course she fabricated a little (which i dont suggest) and became who she wanted to be...

    Not worried about the pressure of people who knew her before...

    give it a shot... be happy with who you are, and meet some new friends

  2. i have the same thing i use to be all foolish with my old friends then i went to a new school and none of my old friends was there so i had to make new friends and im quiet at school and shy... like every day of school and i usually sit by myself. it will take about 1 2 or 3 years to get use to your new friends. or maybe longer idk

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