
Confidence in volleyball.?

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um yeah so confidence = major point in volleyball (or any sport) but pertaining to volleyball..

so here's my problem. . .

1) i dont have it.

2) i want to have it.

3) how can i get it!?!

i constantly tell myself to "be confident" in what how i play and such but it's like not working.. so yeah any tips would much be appreciated! k thanks :)




  1. Confidence comes from experience. Don't force it.

    Be serious going into every game, every single practice.

    Listen to others to learn as much as possible.

  2. I used to have this problem! My coach saw that and said that if i broke down like I did in college i would get pulled out so fast i wouldnt even remember why i broke down! So I have trained my self to just forget about my mistakes (shanked pass, bad hit) and continue with the game like it never even happend. Just tell yourself your going to redeem that bad that just happened.

    Hope it works!!! It has for me

  3. That problem ruled my life last year. My club coach said i was good but had no confidence. i learned 3 super easy solutions.

    1) Play on a team with really close friends. If you mess up, u wont worry deep down they'll hate u and talk c**p because u messed up and they dont even know-know you which is very typical. When your playing with close friends however, u automatically feel safer and more secure and happier.

    2) Practice Practice Practice ur butt off. You'll feel better about your self and trust your body more. a good hitting and digging self drill is you hit it at the wall and then try to dig it up to yourself off the wall. For setting, thats easy just set to your self over and over and practice aiming by setting it against or at a target. basket ball hoops do volleyball setting training wonders. Also do self reaction drills. Reflex is a HUGE volleyball key!

    3) Dont tell ur self to be confident ever!! that sooo kills ur confidence. Then you realize... ah im not confident im scared! tell ur self the ball is going to come at you over and over because then when it does... ull be ready!!

  4. well practicing even when you dont have practice helps you get better and when you know your good, then you have more confidence. also during games i try not to think about anything but the ball so its less pressure. i was the only freshmen on the varsity team this year and it was a lot of pressure because i was the worst player on the team so i just tried to concentrate on the ball and nothing else.  

    as you keep practicing, your confidence will just increase.

  5. i had this problem for a while

    to be confident you not only have to tell your self that, but act it trust your instinct and take charge of the team be the captain, when you think your team needs some encouragement be that person that encourages them and they will have confidence in you, because if you don't have it in your self then the team doesn't either.

    good luck! hopefully this helps

  6. Commanding yourself to get confidence is probably not the best way, but it's a start. What I do each and every point in during a game is go "This balls gonna come to me, I'm gonna pass/set/hit it, and we're gonna get the point."

    If I made a mistake I would say "When this ball comes to me again I'm gonna pass/set/hit it perfectly and surprise them (other team)." It's all about telling yourself HOW you're gonna do good.

    Also, imagining you doing good (like pass/set/hit-ing it well) before it happens.

  7. The biggest thing you should do is relax.  I tell my girls to just "breathe."  If you make a mistake, acknowledge it as a mistake and move on.

    When I make a mistake, I look at what I did wrong, imagine how to fix it, and tell my team "sorry, my bad. I've got this now." And I move on.  Say you shank a ball off of serve recieve.  Tell yourself "I just messed up, so if they are smart, they will serve it to me again.  I'm ready this time and it WILL be a perfect pass!"  And if you tell yourself you WILL do it that time, and are determined to do it...YOU WILL!

    Also, I feel like the more I talk on the court and the louder I am, the more confident I am.  Cheer loud!  Call the ball loud! Tell your hitters where to hit LOUDLY!  If you are loud, you come off as playing big, it intimidates the other team and makes you feel good!

    Just relax, work hard and have a good time.  Remember mistakes happen.  Even the best players make mistakes...without mistakes, you can't learn anything!

  8. To gain confidence, you need to have experience.

    Trust yourself, dont think about what you are going to do to much.  go with your instinct.  become more comfortable playing with the girls around you.  when you are comfortable, you tend to gel, and then you gain more and more confidence as you go.  the main thing is to keep practicing.

  9. You r confident tell ur self that, i get confident in volleyball after  i practice a lot in my backyard then i take it out on the court and everybody is always wanting me on their team

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