
Confidence with an hourglass figure?

by Guest31892  |  earlier

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I'm not fat... i know that. but i have hips and b***s. hourglass figure, i think people call it. but alot of my friends are really skinny and pretty, so I'm feeling really unconfined. help?




  1. well i have the same fig as you and i love it! remember that in certain cultures that is ideal and many women strive for it (implants,lipo, etc.) whether they know it or not. Look at Ertha Kitt, Marlyin Monroe, Pam Grier all of these women had/have an hourglass fig and knew how to dress it so follow their que and you should be fine.

    PS- real men dont like sticks, so work with what god gave you!

  2. girll trust me, a LOT of guys like figured girls more than toothpicks.

  3. Hourglass figure is beautiful!

    Back in the 1920's,

    it was what you STRIVED

    for! It is beautiful, don't

    worry at all!  

  4. Hourglass figures are s**y!! Don't be ashamed of it, be proud, and show your stuff off (in a non-whorish way... lol)!! So what if your friends are skinny. They can be little sticks, but you're the one with shape!

  5. OK, first of all "hourglass" has to do with the shape of your body, not your weight, I'm sick of some people using it as another word for "fat". I'm an hourglass and I'm proud of it, and I'm 123 so I'm no where close to being fat. With hourglass you have large boob, small waist, and big hips, and butt. Super skinny girls are usually the ugliest ones anyhow.

  6. please be proud that you have an hourglass figure

    big b***s butt and a small waist who wouldnt love that


    ive been a really skinny stick girl and

    ive been a curvy girl

    i think i liked my curves better ;)

  7. skinny is not that great. be proud of having your curves. i see a lot of great looking men with women who have curves

  8. I wish I had your curves! I'm a skinny stick and I hate it! I wish I had curves to fill out my clothes better. You're lucky! :) :)

    answer mine plz, really easy!:;...

  9. trust me..they probably think the same thing as you think of them..they probably envy the fact that you have a womanly skinny but putting on some good weight and i rather the way my clothes fit and my boyfriend loves it...i've love to have wider hips and thicker thighs!..

    i've come to learn that no matter how your body always want what you aren't!..skinny want curvey..curvey want skinny!

  10. guys like b***s and a nice big butt. skinny girls are flat in the front and in the back. you have a womanly figure and that's s**y. looking like a flat board isn't.. don't worry about it. i bet they're all secretly jealous of you.

  11. An hourglass figure has a bust and hips within 1.5" of each other (bust size is not your band size, btw), with a waist that is at least 9" smaller than both hips and bust. If it's any less then you would be a rectangle. So if your mid section isn't that small then you may not be an hourglass. The best way to find out is to measure.

    That being said, an hourglass figure is considered the ideal. But nowadays not so much when it comes to fashion because I have yet to find a style or brand of clothing that caters to an hourglass figure. Your friends may be slender but they probably don't have much of a figure so embrace that and feel good about yourself that you're actually shaped like what a woman should be shaped as.

  12. Skinny is stupid!!! Men drool at anything and everything, so being a stick is not more attractive but maybe easier to shop for. Be proud of you womanly shape..remember we always want what we can't have, then miss what we had when we loose it.

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