
Confident men?

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please help me--my question is how can you tell a confident man from a non confident man?--i know what confidence is but my quesyion is how does a confident man walk around and talk and act that sets him apart from a non confident man and how does a non confident man walk, talk, and act also---thanks!




  1. Most children are social, until their parents:

    A. Over protect them.

    B. Abuse them (most verbally, some physically).

    C. Make prison out of their homes and prohibit them to go out.

    If it wherent for this, most people would be confident. As people tend to have more confidence in what they know. Specially if they learn when a child.

    So to answer your question. All people are uncapable the first time they try something. But if you think closely, everything we do for the first time we do bad. But after doing it more and more we become more capable. That is natural. And that is for all things, including socializing. So the answer would be for the guy to go out more with more people. A friend that is social would help him a lot. As long as its a real friend. Think of the friend as training wheels on a bicycle. Or a parent helping a baby walk.

  2. I socialize with people.

    Edit:  I'm married and I socialize.

  3. Men with confidence (and women, for that matter) generally act in a very natural, comfortable,  way. They don't seem forced, or pretentious, or nervous, or pretending to be someone they are not.

  4. Well, projecting the aura that other people do not make or break you, and that you are interested in objective things beyond yourself and whether you are liked or not, is confidence.

       But confidence by itself is vastly over-rated and is only a reassuring APPEARANCE of competence. Actually BEING smart, knowledgeable, talented, etc., is what is really important. Would you want an airplane pilot who only SOUNDED like he knew how to fly? Would you trust a surgeon who just looks and dresses like a doctor?

       Specifically when women report that they like confident men, or they allow themselves to be suckered in by them, such women are shallow and deserve the callow fakes that cluster around them.

       Posture and voice are real. Strutting around (walking hard) is posturing and shows a man is clueless.

  5. an un confident man always starts a introduction by "hi" a confident man starts it "hey"

  6. I agree with what Tracey said. Being confident is as natural as breathing for certain people.

  7. Its nothing to do with how you walk & talk, that can be faked

    You need to talk, and understand
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