
Confidents and shyness?

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ok i am totally shy and self consious

Ok i am like a really shy person around people i barley no or jsut met my friends are the only ppl that really no the true me and my friends of about 2 years still dont no the realy me cuz im shy around them too i think its cuz they intimidate me cuz tehy are so outgoing and pretty i dont no why i really wanna get some confidents and stop being self consious about

myself can you please help me im sick of this and want to change and be confident!




  1. notice what the others are talking about.

    you keep on smiling genuinely first, it is the first step of making friends, and of course your social circle.

  2. You have to remember to be you. Other people may judge you, but it doesn't matter what other people think because they're just opinions. Most of the people we look up to are the ones who are just themselves.

    He who fears no opinion lets no mans rule his life.

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