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What do you honestly think about my 8 year old TB's confirmation? I do 3-day eventing with him. Right now we are jumping about 2'9. He ran 3 races at Bay Meadows and won them all before i bought him. He is about 16.3 hands.





  1. Awww, he's a very pretty boy. :) I like his confirmation, his neck is nice and long, he's not too skinny, even for a TB with nice legs and a proportionate head with strong hindquarters. He looks good! :D

  2. That isn't the best shot for conformation, but he looks pretty good in it.  His neck is long and his head is cute.  He has a nice back.  He is uphill a bit, but this is ideal in jumpers.  His shoulder looks strange - It could be because he is stepping, but I am guessing that when he is standing normally, his shoulder would be pretty straight...This would lead to a rough ride and more difficulty over jumps.  His hindquarters look a little small but, again, it could be because he is walking.  From what I can see of his legs, they looks straight and well put together.

  3. I think he could use a little more muscle on him more fat on his butt. I like nice round big butts on horses. (:

  4. Lol!

    I love how people just ask questions to show how stunning their horse is. I do it to! And we all love answering them! =]

    But he is a lovley horse, nice neck and hinds. Looks like a good hunter! =]

  5. You need still shots of them standing with feet straight to judge conformation.  Here is what I can tell you. from what I noticed.  

    It is shady but he is a little light in muscling.  I would prefer a little more definition but that could be because the camera side was in shadow.

    His neck is light. as is his hindquarters (not bad though)

    His shoulder looks a little upright but that really is hard to tell since he is stepping with that foot.

    Overall his conformation is good.

    Red has excellant conformation but it is hard to see his definition.  

    Duke is to lightly built for my taste  But his legs are straight and his hips look good.  The foreend is hidden behind too many ribbons to see.

    Know this conformation is not everything.  Sea biscuit was puny and had poor conformation, even had front legs that were bowed a little.  But he was a champion race horse.  Secretariat was knock kneed if I remember correctly.  Again good conformation helps but there is more to a horse than conformation.  One of the best gaited horses around here is a little gelding with whithers far too high, too long of a back, and little short legs.  But he can gait up a storm!

  6. with the pictures u gave me, i think they all look descent.

    Red has the best conformation, in my opinion.

    but the other two are not that bad. they look like they could use some weight but overall they r ok.

  7. i wouldnt say he has the best of conformation... slightly long in the back... straightish through the shoulders... fairly long canon bones..... but he would be fine for eventing as he will take all the nocks of the xc etc. On a positive note, he has a nice deep girth, is not forward or behind at the knee, (although it looks like he has curbs which is propably due to the angle of the picture), decent feet and he is in proportion. He also has a nice head.

  8. What a beautiful horse! It looks nice and healthy!
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