Ok so I went to hospital yesterday as I couldn't handle the pain the cramps and clotting were severe and I just couldn't handle them any longer so went to hospital for some relief, well I wasn't expecting them to do bloodwork etc and yep HCG level was 6 so yep that would explain everything, why I had all the signs etc but over the last day my signs dissappeared, because the HCG levels were dropping, Doc said they probably be gone by tomorrow, go back next week for another test to be sure they are gone. something in me tells me the HCG has gone now. (I didn't even know for sureI was pg - suspected it with all signs and temps etc and faint HPT's).
Anyway I came home, hubby woke up (night shift) and I told him etc, then he told me it'll be alright we'll go out with friends tomorrow (Sunday - now today) but one of those friends is 6 months pg, we conceived around the same week but mine ended in chemical pg( I should be 6 mths now too) but we went away on a camping trip and even though she knew what I was going through, she kept bragging about being pg every 5 minutes (at 6 wks pg at the time) like Oh I am Pregnant and tired etc etc (EVERY 5 minutes no joke), so now she's further along and knows what the baby's gender is etc she's going to be worse now, so what do I do? I didn't handle it well during the camping trip trying to put on a brave face and be happy for them ( I am happy for her and I understand she has every right to be happy about and talk about it), but I just don't think I can put on the brave face anymore, I completely broke down yesterday when hubby told me of outing and he was shocked as he thought I would handle it better (considering all previous m/c's) like huh? it makes it harder not easier. and he has never seen me so upset before. What would you do? would you go or get out of it somehow? I love my friend more then anything and I am happy for them, but just can't help but be depressed about losing another pg.