I was a college graduate of MIT 3 years ago. Like many, I went to work for a big Wall Street investment bank, on its fixed income trading desk.
I worked hard, learned quickly, and was well liked on the desk. A few months ago I was just made VP and was the number 2 guy on the desk (liquid rates). And the pay is not too shabby (300K year end bonus last year).
However, the more I work on wall street, the more I realize that the culture of the firms is simply to make more and more money, and the way it makes money is not by producing real products, but instead playing a game of math and gambling, and in turn, transfer others' wealth into your firms' pocket. It is simply a modern day robber, but of course a very smart and sophisticated one. I feel the entire Wall Street is a Jewish blood sucking machine.
I want to quit my job, but don't have the determination to do so, what can I do?