
Conflicting Due Date?

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How accurate were the due date that the doctor gave you? The date of my last menstrual was January 7 and because I was keeping track of my discharge to determine ovulation, I think I conceived around January 27 (20 days later). Based on that, I would be in my 40th week in the third week of October and due is around October 22.

However, when I had my first appointment, the doctor dated the baby at 6 weeks and gave me a due date of November 12, which is three weeks different. I’m convinced it’s wrong but they are adamant that based on the ultrasound and measurement, it’s the correct due date. Based on this calculation, it also mean that I conceived 43 days after my last menstrual period which is long considering most women conceived in 14+ days.




  1. doctors have a thing with changing the due dates a lot! its kind of irritating! take the date of your last period and count 40 weeks from the first day (id use a calendar) that is your due date...if he argues with you id find another doc cause you know your body...doctors annoy me sometimes lol

  2. Have you had an ultrasound in the first trimester?  If so that dating is more correct then anything.  If you had an ultrasound in the second or third trimester, the dating is not so accurate since at that time babies grow at different rates.  

    Due dates are not set in stone.  The are guesses.  I was given well over 4 different due dates with my first and didnt deliver near any of them.  I'm pregnant with number two now and alraedy been given 3 due dates.  Basically expect your baby in the end of October or begining of Novemeber.  

  3. My due date changed 3 times and when I delivered was no where near any of them

  4. It seems like your due date would be October 13th or somewhere around there..I'd tell your doc what you think.  

  5. the hospital give me 3 due dates i got one at my firstscan i got another at my 20 week scan and the baby came when he was ready and he was 4 weeks early according to the hospital but wen he was born he wasnt he was great from my experiance i would say sometimes they get it wrong its only a guide hope this helps good luck

  6. Every due date has a two week window,2 weeks b4 or 2 weeks after.So either way you will be right around there.

    My last son I though for sure that my due date was 9-28-06 but every ultra sound would place me 10-26-31of"06"My son was born 9-13-06 not any of the dates and he was full term 7#1ounce so ya never know.

  7. I feel your frustration.  I am having similar problem....I am due between sept 8-22, and no one can seem to narrow it down.  My ob is insisting that the 22nd is my due date (but not according to my LMP).  Whatever, I know I'm due sooner than that.  I know when I had s*x....and my baby already weighs 7 1/2 lbs....if they let me go until the 22nd this baby is going to weight 10 lbs!  It's frustrating.  

  8. According to my LMP, my due date is Sept 23rd.  ...but according to the ultrasounds and the baby's size, I'm not due till Oct 17th.. so it's like a whole month's difference.  The only reason my doctor could give was "Sometimes you just ovulate later than you think."  But what?  I mean, come on... a whole MONTH later?  Good luck with everything.  I can totally relate.

  9. I was given three different due dates over the span of a month.  I am going by the middle one.  I am guessing baby will come out when he's ready!  It's kind of annoying though, isn't it?
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