
Conflicting stories about what hurts more???

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Some people say that getting the outline in a tattoo hurts more. Although I've heard others say that the shading is the real pain.

So which is it?




  1. Generally the outline hurts more but depending on the area, say in more boney places, the shading may hurt just as much.

  2. I have a lot of large tattoos, and the outline was always the worst for me. My tattooist says that it has something to do with the outline being done with only one needle, and the shading is being done with numerous needles at a time which confuses the nerves/disperses the feeling. Who knows.  

  3. Pain is different for everyone.  I thought the outline & shading both hurt the same, but thats just me.  

  4. I have five tats and found the outline always very painful and the shading much less painful.  

  5. For me personally its the shading that hurts more because the tattoo is being gone over AGAIN after just getting the outline done. For me the outline does not really hurt. Everybody is different though.

  6. My mom said the outline was worse... I dont know though...

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  7. Everyone is different. I found that the outline hurt worse, but then once my adrenaline kicks in, it doesn't hurt at all.  

  8. the outlining is a breeze... its the continous coloring in one spot that gets QUITE annoying haha

  9. Really depends on the person and their pain threshold. For me the shading hurts worse after a few minutes. At first its not so bad because it is a change in sensation but it can be more painful for a lot of people.

  10. It depends on the person doing it. Sometimes the person might be heavy-handed so they tend to press hard on the outline, so it hurts more than the coloring. But if they don't, it'll be the coloring.

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