
Confronting my best friend?

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I really really really want to get back together with this guy & I think I may love him. My best friend absolutely hates him for the simple reason that she thinks he's stupid & annoying. It drives me insane!!! She makes fun of him & I hate it so much. It's hurtful. One of my other friends has talked to her about it and she was rude to her too. How do I make her stop & how do I tell her we are getting back together?




  1. I think your best friend is reacting to your boyfriend only because she feels she is second best now. I know that when I got a serious boyfriend who I also love, my best friends also seemed negative about him and found him to be annoying b/c they wanted to spend more time with me. Tell your friend that if she's really your friend she will respect your choice and your man, no matter how much she dislikes him. Tell her every time she makes negative comments it really hurts you and makes you feel belittled too. Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel. If she's really ur best friend, she will be there for you no matter what.

  2. just tell her and be blunt. tell her straight out that you got back together with this guy.

    if she gets all b#tchy and cusses him out, then tell her that its not her decision to make about him and you would appreciate it if she wouldnt talk trash about him.

    and if she gets really rude and talks trash anyways, ignore her until she apologizes.

    hope i helped - nataliee

  3. Maybe she really likes the guy and just puts up a front so you won't know. In any case, who you have for a bf is not her decision. If she can't be more respectful of him as a human being, maybe you should put some distance between yourself and her. You have to decide who you want to be with more.

  4. Explain to her that this guy is important to you and that she needs to be respectful.  You wouldn't be rude and disrespectful to a guy she liked, so you expect her to do the same for you.  You shouldn't get a guy come between you and your friend, however, your friend shouldn't be judgmental.  If she's saying stupid comments and remarks after you confront her, she's not a very good friend to begin with.  If she has a problem with him, that's her problem and she shouldn't make it your problem too.

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