
Confuse!! last month i had may period the 27th haven't got it yet. Can i be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Am trying to get pergnant but am so confuse with my period should i wait to do a pregnancy test because i was suppost to get it yesterday. Also my b***s are hurting and they look darker, i've been feeling dizzi too.




  1. im with you on this one i was sopossed to get my period yesterday too but nothing yet i took a test this morning but it came out negative.. i've read that some people actually don't read on a home pregnancy test they actually have to go to the doctor and have them do a blood test.. don't get discouraged! some people don't show on a test for 2 months!

  2. i9f you have any symptoms like morning sickness or tyred all the time or it could be that y are stressed

  3. A home pregnancy test wont test positive for two weeks after your last missed period.

    Are your periods regular?  That could throw things off even more.

    If you're trying to concieve, it's said that a women is at her most fertile 15-21 days after the first day of her last period.

    If after two weeks you still haven't gotten your period, but home pregnancy test still test negative, see a doctor and find out what's going on.

    Best of luck!

  4. take a pt ur already a day late.good luck

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