
Confused, confused, confused... any idea? ?

by Guest10817  |  earlier

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just started charting last month (last cycle on Clomid) and continued with it this month.

I believe that I ovulated all on my own this month (YAY!) I'm just having trouble finding out exactly when.

As for now, Fertility Friend stated I ovulated on cd 18, but cd 21 I wasn't able to take my temp because I was camping and forgot to bring my thermometer in the tent with me...

Anyhow, when I play around with my temps and enter them in for cd 21, anything above 97.0 moves my big O day from cd 18 to cd 20.

Last month, while on Clomid I did ovulate on cd 18, and in all honesty, the few times my period came on its own prior to the fertility treatments, I normally had 34-35 day cycles.

Last month I did have a dip in temp on the day of ovulation, as it appeard to be this month (if I did indeed O on cd 18)

Anyhow, wondering if any of you charting pro's would be able to give me your interpretation of my chart...

I am so excited I ovulated all on my own this month, I can hardly contain myself... trying to remain optimistic.





  1. Man, I totally understand what you are saying! :)  It looks to me, like you ovulated on CD 18.  It's normal for your temps to gradually go up after ovulation (which is what happened with you).  Good luck and lots of baby dust to you!!

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