
Confused!! Advice needed!!!?

by  |  earlier

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hi all, i suffer with PCOS and have periods every 48 days. My last period was 6th April which means my period is 26 days late. The thing is i done a clearblue test today which is showing up negative. Im really confused as what could be goin on. I already have a 3year old boy but i didnt find out i was having him till i was 7 weeks pregnant as it wasnt showing up on home tests only at the hospital. Could this be the same? I also suffered an ectopic pregnancy 2 years ago so i know i must ovulate.

Im not under any stress or any change in diet or tablets. both me and my husband have been trying for another child since i had the ectopic. Iive had pcos for 5 years and was on metformin for 3. Stopped taking metformin about six months ago as it was not working for me was makin my periods come every 100 - 200 days where without taking metformin they come every 48 days




  1. My sister has PCOS, and has had some of the same issues, she is currently on metformin.  I would definately talk to your doctor.  She went to a specialist and they did a checkup and a few tests among other things, but she got a lot of her questions cleared up. Some one who knows what they're talking about is definately the best bet.  Good luck!

  2. definatley go get a blood test at the docs!

    HPTs do not work for everyone...and if it didn't work in the past for you, it may not work for you now!

    good luck and baby dust!!!!

  3. It's hard for us to tell you what is going on, especially since you have a unique situation.  I would make a visit to your doctor and get a blood pregnancy test.

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