
Confused? Can anyone help, neg or positive test not sure?

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hi there

me and my partner been trying for a baby for a few months now, but no luck

recently thought i have been increasingly geting hotter i feel constantly like my skin on fire, my nipples are incredily sore not my b*****s just nipples, also been either sleeping for like 10-12 hours or only getting 2-3 no where in the middle plus realised my period almost a week late.

i took a test, for the first 5 minutes neg but between 5- and 10 a faint pink line showed up

i repeated this test today and got the exact result

test said to discard after 5 minutes but is it a positive or a neg

has anyone else had this happen or any suggestions

thanks a lot




  1. Well, the symptoms are all there i'd say.

    Its said you are more likely to get a false negative than you are to get a false positive.

    If you have to hold the test strip under a light to see a line, then the chances are it could be an evaporation line, but if you can see a plus sign or the 2nd pink line just in normal light in a room, then the chances are you are pregnant.

    Sending you lots of baby dust you way.

    Good luck, oh and go and buy an expensive test in the morning to see.

  2. It sounds like you could be.  The reason the instructions say to discard after a certain period of time is that results fade and may no longer read positive.  (that's what happened to mine.  I tried to keep the first positive test to show my husband, when he got home from work.  By the time he got home it had faded away.)

    If I were you, I would wait a couple days (easier than said than done, I know!) and try a digital test.  That way there's no question and no guessing if that was really a line or not, you know?

    If all else fails, make a doctor's appointment.  

  3. you are pregnant girl! congrats and send some baby dust this way ...

  4. Negative.

  5. It could be a positive.My first test i took,was a very faint positive.I looked at when it came up and only saw the on line across *-* but when i looked at it again there was a *+*.You should take a first responce test using your morning urine,that was the type i took the next day and it was a big fat positive!!

  6. This same thing is happening to me as i write this, i am 6 days before im due my period, i feel all the symptoms of being pregnant, i did a test yesterday afternoon, straight the only one line, i walked away thinking negative, after about 15-20 mins, went back to double check and two lines, but i the test said discard after 15 mins, did another test this morning, again only one line and after another 5-10 mins a very faint line showed. im soo confused. I think we are pregnant!! :) but its just very early days!!!! congrats xx

  7. It's positive! Congrats to you! If the time wasn't over ten minutes, then it's probably valid...But obviously it was, so goodluck! Make an appt. ASAP to confirm.

  8. It sounds like you could be. I would try one of the Clear Blue Easy digital tests.

  9. it sounds like you could be but also you might be tripping your mind out to think you are...i used to do it all the time! it wouldnt hurt to do the test the last girl said!

  10. most likely its negative because 2 lines means you are one line means you arent i hope this helps you

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