
Confused. How does the six armed elephant thing fit into the Jesus story ?

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Confused. How does the six armed elephant thing fit into the Jesus story ?




  1. It doesn't.

  2. Ganesha, the elephant god, is from the Hindu pantheon and as such has nothing to do with Jesus.

  3. Ignorant are you, but funny you are not...

  4. His name is Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. No Christian basis.

  5. 6 armed elephant?? that must be some tequila~~

  6. Six Armed?

    I thought it was a Six Breasted Elephant Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness with!

  7. It doesn't. It's not there.

  8. I'm not sure it does ...

    I think you're talking about Ganesha, a Hindu God ... nothing to do with Christianity (aka 'Jesus Story' to you)

  9. It doesn't

  10. Just become a polytheist, then it all makes sense:

    "They have 100 Gods, and with Jesus Christ they have 101."

  11. Hindus profess to worship one God, but God takes a multitude of forms.  Reaching God is a problem, but the person is given many lifetimes to do it, and the subsequent lifetime depends a lot on how you do this time 'round.

    Christians know you can never reach God by your own efforts, no matter how many kicks at the can you're given.  God provided the solution in the life, death and resurrection of his Son whom we call Jesus.

  12. Ganesha the elephant god in Hinduism.

    Not Christian at all.

    At this present time, a person can click into a few newspapers from around India (I do not have the link handy) and see how incompatible the two are...the Hindus are busy murdering Christians, having blamed them for the actions of nearby Muslims...and this is happening in a country which is SUPPOSED to have freedom of religion with no prejudice!

    This elephant deity is but one of umpteen thousands in their system of belief.

  13. Jesus doesn't live by word alone. He enjoys a challenge wrestling.

  14. It was Jesus' Epic Mount.

  15. same message : love all, serve all...

  16. well educated aren't you :-) you must have skipped R.E classes,   funny though

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