
Confused Pregnancy Results.?

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I Just recently found out i was 5 weeks pregnant last week. Exciting right?!!

Ya i thought so too. but this week i was having terrible cramps, and I'm usually really good with cramps because i get them a lot on my period, but these i could NOT handle. I literally almost passed out from the pain.

i started spotting, got worried and made an appointment 2 hrs later and the bleeding began to worsen.

i went to the clinic [[which is a different clinic from which i took the original pg test]] and they had me take another pregnancy test, and it came back negative.

The doctor told me i was never pregnant. ?!?!! At This Point Im Confused. She Say's If I was miscarrying it would still come back positive. so She had me go take a blood, that i don't know the results from yet.

Is She Right?

Could they're Pregnancy test somehow been wrong??

I mean, i got an estimated due date and a paper saying i was positive at the other place...

geezz... im so lost.... help.




  1. the best thing i could say is wait for the blood test to come back because false positives and false negatives are more common than false negative or false positive blood tests. when i miscarried i had a pregnancy test come back positive right after even though i had lost the baby because the hormone stays in your body for several weeks. there is a possibility there was a hormonal imbalance and if you didnt see the baby or hear the heartbeat i wouldnt get too excited until the blood test comes back. i usually get bad cramps the first day of my period and when they start i take ibuprofen which helps wonders! but when i had my miscarriage i was poppin vicoden like it was candy because it hurt soo bad and it didnt even help me..if you are trying for a baby than i wish you the best of luck!!! since my miscarriage i have been hoping and trying for a baby but keep me posted on the results!!

  2. no, if the test says your pregnant and you are then there is no mstaking, it sounds to me that you had miscarried your baby, by the sounds of the cramps this is what it is, no the test would not show you are positive after a miscarriage, at five weekes old it would be around 2cm and the bleeding is a sign that you have lost your baby, go back to your other doctor, always stay with the one doctor

  3. sorry hun it sound like a chemical pregnancy where the egg fertilizes but does not in plant properly.

    It means you get a positive then a negative and then start bleeding chemical pregnancy's are very common 1 in 3 women get them and some don't even know they were pregnant

  4. I would get a second opinion because if you really had a miscarriage you can get sick from it. See another doctor to be sure.

  5. is that what they call a chemical pregnancy?  Your blood test should reveal this.  Im sorry for your loss hun.  A false positive is so so rare.


  6. Get a third opinion or even  4th... Its better be sure.

  7. Hi, chances are you were pregnant and were already miscarrying before having any symptons.  With my 1st M/C i had only just found out i was pregnant at 4wks, the following week at 5wks i started bleeding, very lightly might i add with VERY MILD cramping.  I went in for a scan and they couldn't see anything so they done bloodwork which only came back at 71, within 48hrs this had dropped to 15 which confirmed a m/c, i was told it was a blighted ovumn.  Just wait for your bloods to come back, this could be what you are experiencing.  

  8. I would go to another clinic or the clinic you went to before.  You definitely want a second opinion on this.

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