I think I am confused. I thought I was an alcoholic and went to AA. Then I also decided to get a therapist. I found out that I'm codependant. I also realized that most of my times when I drank a lot were around boyfriends, or breaking up with boyfriends, etc. I have never "shaken" or drank during the day, but I definitely did like to drink excessively on occassion. And I did end up with a DUI. I blew a 0.11. Somethings I like about AA, some of the people are nice and some of the ideas are nice. However, I'm not comfortable with the "Big Book" or "Steps" I don't relate to it. I'm stuck on step 1. All people tell me is to try some controlled drinking. What I really want to do is be more independent and not allow booze, or men to effect the good things in my life or taking care of myself. Why would controlled drinking experiments be helpful right now? I just got out of an abusive relationship and REALLY want to focus on myself. However, I don't know what to do with the AA thing. I don't even know if I'm an alcoholic, but I'm scared if I am and I act like I'm not I'll end up miserable. Sometimes I want to have a drink with my non AA friends and I can't, and my AA friends and sponsor tell me to stay away from "those people" but I am sick of my AA friends and their bizarre behaviors. I have no idea what I'm doing, so any and all input is appreciated.