
Confused about Airbags and the danger????!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Is it illegal to drive your car with the airbags out??(as in like not tucked in??) and if it is why>>??




  1. No. There is NO law that states your personal vehicle has to have airbags, only working seatbelts. It IS illegal to sell a vehicle without them, so keep that in mind at trade-in time. One more note: I really doubt the car would pass state  inspection with a couple of airbags hanging out so be prepared to walk.

  2. Yes.

  3. Yes it would illegal just hanging there because it could get in the way of your driving.............................

  4. of course sister, it is illegal to drive with the air bags out. you need to go to the place where you got your car and have them fix it. you can get hurt. please don't wait

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